Example - Let the given word is 'lgeuvf', then the next lexicographically greater is 'lgevfu'. In the case of the word 'ywwwsqonmkjjjec', there is no greater word since it is already the greatest word of the given combination.
While finding the next greater word, we try to permute the given combination such that there is minimal change and the resulting word is closest to the original word. Find the right-most non-increasing longest (say RNL) sub-string. In 'lgeuvf', 'vf' is the RNL sub-string. However, in 'ywwwsqonmkjjjec' the entire string is the RNL sub-string. Such sub-string is the greatest lexicographical combination and there is no greater string. We mark the character left to the sub-string and call it pivot. The character 'u' is the pivot in 'lgeuvf. Note, 'u' less than 'v'.
Now, we find the right-most character in RNL sub-string which is greater than the pivot. Let's call this RGC. The character 'v' is RGC in above example string. We get the next lexicographically greater word, by swapping the RGC & the pivot and sorting the modified RNL. After swapping RGC & pivot in 'lgeuvf', we get 'lgevuf'. And sorting the modified RNL (which is 'vf'), we get 'lgevfu'.
Following is the C implementation of described algorithm.
#include <stdio.h>; #include <string.h>; #include <math.h>; #include <stdlib.h>; #define NO_ANS "no answer" #define BUF_SIZE 501 int findPivot(char* iStr); int getModifiedRNL(char* iStr, char); void swap(char* a, char* b); char* strPermute(char* iStr); void quickSort(char* iStr); void quickSortItr(char* iStr, int start, int end); char* testip[] = {"mqyvczrlabtesyeiteblqklfhkchcryggkewpsfxsumvsjerssbltntydzwrjvf", "pzxgfnsapnchz", "erwidqokyjfpctpfxuojyloafghxgifdvhcmzjogoqoikjhjngbhfetvtraaojkfqvyujbhdizrkvqmfpzbidysbkhvuebtr", "zedawdvyyfumwpupuinbdbfndyehircmylbaowuptgmw", "zyyxwwtrrnmlggfeb", "zzzyyyyxxxxwwwwwvvuuuuuuuttttsssrrrqqqqpppooooonnnnmmmllkjjjjiiiiihhhgggfeeeddcccbbbaa", "lgeuvf", "ywwwsqonmkjjjec", "cfvhmxuuvzeycgzltorcfbpqtejfubfpkyqfrugixsvmnyizmzotttyriqpjdwbyoggjgbo", "zssfzbdeamejrtmqgpywlwwulxerrftkxlvzffztvmfraygtkoeyyitiqgonknchdccjxfqsdgpduuhxatmkdlbww", "dqwrmse"}; char* testop[] = {"mqyvczrlabtesyeiteblqklfhkchcryggkewpsfxsumvsjerssbltntydzwrvfj", "pzxgfnsapnczh", "erwidqokyjfpctpfxuojyloafghxgifdvhcmzjogoqoikjhjngbhfetvtraaojkfqvyujbhdizrkvqmfpzbidysbkhvuerbt", "zedawdvyyfumwpupuinbdbfndyehircmylbaowuptgwm", "no answer", "no answer", "lgevfu", "no answer", "cfvhmxuuvzeycgzltorcfbpqtejfubfpkyqfrugixsvmnyizmzotttyriqpjdwbyoggjgob", "zssfzbdeamejrtmqgpywlwwulxerrftkxlvzffztvmfraygtkoeyyitiqgonknchdccjxfqsdgpduuhxatmkdlwbw", "dqwrsem" }; int main() { int N = 11; for(int indx = 0; indx < N; indx++) { char* oStr = strPermute(testip[indx]); printf("test case %d: ", indx + 1); if(strcmp(oStr, testop[indx]) != 0) { printf("FAILntinput: %s ntoutput: %sn", testip[indx], oStr); } else printf("PASSntinput: %s ntoutput: %sn", testip[indx], oStr); free(oStr); } return 0; } char* strPermute(char* iStr) { char *oStr = NULL; int fCharIndex = findPivot(iStr); if(fCharIndex == -1) { oStr = (char*) calloc(strlen(NO_ANS) + 1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(oStr, NO_ANS, strlen(NO_ANS)); return oStr; } int sCharIndex = getModifiedRNL(iStr + fCharIndex + 1, iStr[fCharIndex]); if(sCharIndex == -1) { oStr = (char*) calloc(strlen(NO_ANS) + 1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(oStr, NO_ANS, strlen(NO_ANS)); return oStr; } oStr = (char*) calloc(strlen(iStr) + 1, sizeof(char)); memcpy(oStr, iStr, strlen(iStr)); swap(oStr + fCharIndex, oStr + fCharIndex + 1 + sCharIndex); quickSort(oStr + fCharIndex + 1); if(strcmp(iStr, oStr) == 0) { memcpy(oStr, NO_ANS, strlen(NO_ANS)+1); return oStr; } return oStr; } int findPivot(char* iStr) { if(iStr == NULL || strlen(iStr) == 1) return -1; int isLen = strlen(iStr); int indx = isLen - 2; while(indx >;= 0 && iStr[indx] >;= iStr[indx + 1]) indx--; return indx; } int getModifiedRNL(char* iStr, char fChar) { int iLen = strlen(iStr); if(iLen == 1) return 0; int indx = iLen - 1; while(indx >;= 0 && fChar >;= iStr[indx]) { indx--; } return indx; } void quickSort(char* iStr) { quickSortItr(iStr, 0, strlen(iStr) - 1); } void quickSortItr(char* iStr, int start, int end) { if(start >;= end) return; int indx = 0, pIndx = 0; while(indx < end) { if(iStr[indx] <= iStr[end]) { swap(iStr + indx, iStr + pIndx); pIndx++; } indx++; } swap(iStr + pIndx, iStr + end); quickSortItr(iStr, start, pIndx - 1); quickSortItr(iStr, pIndx + 1, end); } void swap(char* a, char* b){ char tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; }Compilation on Ubuntu:
gcc -std=gnu99 strPermute.c -o strPermuteOutput for the test cases.
test case 1: PASS input: mqyvczrlabtesyeiteblqklfhkchcryggkewpsfxsumvsjerssbltntydzwrjvf output: mqyvczrlabtesyeiteblqklfhkchcryggkewpsfxsumvsjerssbltntydzwrvfj test case 2: PASS input: pzxgfnsapnchz output: pzxgfnsapnczh test case 3: PASS input: erwidqokyjfpctpfxuojyloafghxgifdvhcmzjogoqoikjhjngbhfetvtraaojkfqvyujbhdizrkvqmfpzbidysbkhvuebtr output: erwidqokyjfpctpfxuojyloafghxgifdvhcmzjogoqoikjhjngbhfetvtraaojkfqvyujbhdizrkvqmfpzbidysbkhvuerbt test case 4: PASS input: zedawdvyyfumwpupuinbdbfndyehircmylbaowuptgmw output: zedawdvyyfumwpupuinbdbfndyehircmylbaowuptgwm test case 5: PASS input: zyyxwwtrrnmlggfeb output: no answer test case 6: PASS input: zzzyyyyxxxxwwwwwvvuuuuuuuttttsssrrrqqqqpppooooonnnnmmmllkjjjjiiiiihhhgggfeeeddcccbbbaa output: no answer test case 7: PASS input: lgeuvf output: lgevfu test case 8: PASS input: ywwwsqonmkjjjec output: no answer test case 9: PASS input: cfvhmxuuvzeycgzltorcfbpqtejfubfpkyqfrugixsvmnyizmzotttyriqpjdwbyoggjgbo output: cfvhmxuuvzeycgzltorcfbpqtejfubfpkyqfrugixsvmnyizmzotttyriqpjdwbyoggjgob test case 10: PASS input: zssfzbdeamejrtmqgpywlwwulxerrftkxlvzffztvmfraygtkoeyyitiqgonknchdccjxfqsdgpduuhxatmkdlbww output: zssfzbdeamejrtmqgpywlwwulxerrftkxlvzffztvmfraygtkoeyyitiqgonknchdccjxfqsdgpduuhxatmkdlwbw test case 11: PASS input: dqwrmse output: dqwrsem
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